Code of conduct:-
Student at I.T.E are part of institute community which expects its members to show their consideration at all times to respect person and to observe the institute rules and regulation. It is therefore, hopped that need for disciplinary action will be rare. If disciplinary offenses take place, they will be dealt with in accordance misconduct leading to suspension or expulsion.
The disciplinary code and procedure mentioned below described the action which will be taken in the case or alleged students misconduct. Which are intended to be a deterrent. The following acts are strictly prohibited within the campus. If any student is found guilty of any of the following acts, he/she can be suspended from the institute.
1. Possession and distribution of drugs, alcohol of other potentially harmful substances.
2. Assault or physical injury to faculty. Staff or fellow students.
3. Obstruction of the function of the institute through violence, defiance, force, threat etc.
4. Use of vulgar or improper language.
5. Forgery of any nature.
6. Gambling or selling items for personal profit.
7. Display of physical affection.
8. Forceful, unapproved of irregular entry into the institute building.